The Black Box - The Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense

Even though it's ridiculously outdated now, one of the coolest early sets of Heroclix was the Indy one with the B.P.R.D. The sculpts do a great job of capturing Mignola's spirit, especially compared to other Hellboy miniatures that have been made over the years. These were fun to paint, especially Liz Sherman and her fire effects. I have another Hellboy in a more dramatic pose swinging a huge sword but I'm holding off on painting him for a while so I can do a comparison.


Abe Sapien

Liz Sherman

Roger the Homunculus

Johann Krauss

Captain Ben Daimio

Lobster Johnson


The Black Box - "Avengers Assemble!"

Heroclix is about building your favorite teams so narrowing it down to only seven from Marvel's entire catalogue was pretty tough. Ultimately I settled on having Captain America, Thor, and Hulk run around as beaters while Vision, Hawkeye, Iron Man, and Captain Marvel provide support. 





Every Marvel character has a wide variety of costume variations so it was fun digging through over ten years of Heroclix sets to find the ones that seemed the most interesting. I loved the Mark 42 armor from Iron Man 3 and the Hawkeye series by Fraction and Aja is extraordinary so I had to use a grey shirt with a purple arrow on it. Coipel's post-Civil War design for Thor is phenomenal. The Straczynski books got me into the character and I'm still bitter about how it ended. The Hulk was the most fun to paint.

The Black Box - The Justice League of America

With Superman and Batman figures painted it followed that finishing the rest of the League would be a good idea. My Justice League seven consists of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash, Green Lantern, and Green Arrow. 




I would happily switch out Green Arrow with Martian Manhunter if Manhunter had a sculpt I liked. The best Manhunter sculpt has him on a throne of Oreos which makes him better for a Justice Society team than a League one. Green Lantern covers any space/alien stuff and Arrow provides a voice to the group and story dynamic that might not be there otherwise.

In direct Heroclix terms that particular Green Arrow is one of the best dials ever built with three attacks, ten range, and Stealth for a cool 111 points. Plus he can buddy up with Green Lantern and they can provide fire support for melee members Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Flash. Good stuff.

Reaper Heroes

Assorted hero characters for the Elder Scrolls Miniatures games. All of these are from Reaper's Bones range, a great source of diverse heroes for roleplaying games. They're a soft plastic that's perfect for gaming and the sculpt quality on these is very impressive.

Aina, Female Valkyrie

Autumn Bronzeleaf 
Devona, Female Wizard

Hyrekia, Dragonthrall Mage

Callie, Female Rogue

Astrid, Female Bard